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Laws, Principles, and the Christian Life
The Bible is filled with both laws and principles given by God to the authors of Scripture who wrote them down for our instruction and benefit. For example, in Genesis 2:15-17, God gave the first law: The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”
Our Bodies and God’s Design: Part 1
It’s still near the first of the year, and most people are thinking about their bodies. Cholesterol to be lowered, fat to be shed, muscle to be toned, blood sugar regulated, hair dyed (might I recommend A Touch of Grey), and wardrobe updated. And this isn’t a new year or even a “this year” point of emphasis. Humanity has always spent a significant amount of time navel-gazing, both metaphorically and literally.
How God Equips His Church Through the Ministry of Women
The place women play in the life of the church has been both a divisive issue and an opportunity for church leadership in the West for the past several decades. Coming as it did on the heels of the secular feminist movement, the issue of a woman’s role in the church morphed from a question to be answered biblically into a polarizing position meant to distinguish one theological party from another.
Trusting In The Fullness of Forgiveness
Why is forgiveness so important? It seems like an unnecessary question to ask because forgiveness is so self-assumed and built into the Christian life. But let’s press into the answer. Forgiveness is important because we live in a world of conflict and pain. When it comes to forgiveness, there is more at stake than just our emotional health. Our emotional health is one of the blessings of forgiveness, but there is something far more foundational to discover here. The aim of forgiveness is not our personal and emotional health; first and foremost, forgiveness aims to show a watching world something beautiful in our lives that only God produces.
Should I Care What Others Think of Me?
To a certain extent, everyone cares about what others think of them. Even if you say you don’t care — you care. In fact, there is a special category for those who completely don’t care about others. They're called sociopaths. I hope you are not one of them. The Bible reveals that we have been designed by God as relational beings that do not flourish well in isolation (Gen. 1:26-27; Eccl. 4:9-12; Eph. 2:14-21).
Set Apart, Useful, and Ready
Imagine being installed as a church leader at a young age in an idolatrous, pagan city. That was Timothy—Paul’s disciple, traveling partner, and dear friend.
Why We Gather On Christmas Day
I can remember back in 1994 when, for the first time, a family asked the question “Will you be holding services on Christmas since it falls on a Sunday?” When I assured them we would be gathering for worship, their response was “O good! We’ll be there!”
What Is Advent?
The word "Advent" is a Latin word meaning "coming" or "arrival." During the Advent season (about four weeks leading up to Christmas Day), Christians worldwide prepare to celebrate the coming of God into our world through the birth of his Son, Jesus Christ.
Why Do We Have A Membership Covenant?
God never intended his people to live in isolation. The Scriptures only present a picture of Christians living in community. In the Bible, to love God is to love and be connected to His church.
What Is The Role Of The Holy Spirit?
We believe that God the Spirit was sent by the Father and the Son to glorify Jesus Christ. He has several titles and names in Scripture, many indicating aspects of His function and ministry such as Helper, Comforter, and Intercessor.
Why Do We Have Youth Choirs?
We believe that every church has a deeply rooted responsibility to the next generation. It's our mission, then, to raise up the next generation of worshippers and worship leaders.
What Is A Benediction?
Every Sunday morning, we conclude our gatherings with a benediction. The practice of benediction has its roots in the Old Testament – it is a pronouncement of God's blessing on His people.
Why Do We Observe The Lord’s Supper?
Every first Sunday of the month, the family of Grace Baptist Church takes time to celebrate the communal meal known as The Lord's Supper, sometimes referred to as The Lord’s Table or Communion.
Why Do We Take An Offering?
In every Christian tradition, there is generally a time in the gathering for giving an offering. Here at Grace Baptist, this usually comes between our time of corporate singing and the sermon.
Why A Bilingual Service ¿Porque Hacemos Un Servicio Bilingüe?
A bilingual service is one where two languages are spoken and sung. Here at Grace Baptist, we have a thriving Spanish Ministry representing 15 Spanish-speaking countries, which meets in the Conference Center on Sundays.
Why Do We Baptize Believers?
We baptize followers of Jesus because He commanded his followers to be baptized, by his authority, and in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:18-20)
Why Do We Sing These Songs?
Scripture commands the church to sing “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” (Col. 3:16) together as one of our acts of corporate worship. These different kinds of music reflect songs that come directly from Scripture (the Book of Psalms), as well as new songs written by the church that reflect the truth of God and the gospel as revealed in Scripture.