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Identity in Christ Sarah Bush Identity in Christ Sarah Bush

Walking The Election Ridgeline

Alexis de Tocqueville was a French political scientist and historian who lived in the early 19th Century. To help his country preserve its blood-bought liberty in the aftermath of the French Revolution, he looked to learn from the young democracy of the United States, still in its infancy. His work, Democracy in America, is a collection of observations about our nation's origins and is still considered an expert perspective on how democracy impacts society.

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Identity in Christ Sarah Bush Identity in Christ Sarah Bush

Trust The Lord, Do Good, Stay Faithful

Last September, we began the new ministry year with our eyes focused on the reality of the Kingdom of God. We began with studies in 1 and 2 Samuel, looking at David, Israel’s King. Then, we spent the weeks of Advent looking at Jesus, God’s King. In January, we opened Matthew’s Gospel to learn about The King and His Kingdom.

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Identity in Christ Sarah Bush Identity in Christ Sarah Bush

Dependent Independence?

For most, July 4th is a day of family, food, and fireworks, ostensibly celebrating our nation's independence from England in 1776. Yes, we got out from ole' King George and initiated the greatest experiment in democracy the world had ever known. But, as we look around at our society, it is increasingly evident that independence has brought some unforeseen and undoubtedly unintended consequences.

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Identity in Christ Sarah Bush Identity in Christ Sarah Bush

Pro-life And Adoption

In the pews of churches across America, at the election polls, at marches and protests, in front of abortion clinics, and at pregnancy centers, conservative Evangelicals have overwhelmingly held to a pro-life position. Abortion, choice, and life remain some of the most polarizing political issues and continue to engender significant debate in popular and judicial arenas alike. Even after the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022, the fight for access to abortion continues to rage, especially in California.

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Identity in Christ Sarah Bush Identity in Christ Sarah Bush

God, Where Are You?

Let’s not pretend it isn’t a problem. It always has been. The carnage that evil creates is all around us. And its endless media presence has lulled us into accepting a new norm. We are only jolted awake when an outdated version of evil is replaced with fresh depictions of a new travesty.

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Identity in Christ Sarah Bush Identity in Christ Sarah Bush

Meditations on Psalm 16: The Eternal Joy of God’s Presence

Some years ago, I was rushing through a grocery store on my way home from work, hoping to be in and out as quickly as possible. As I darted into an aisle, I noticed a small boy completely engrossed in a toy he had in his hand, and he was alone. I looked around, but his parent was nowhere to be seen. I knew that as soon as he became aware of that reality, his peaceful mood would change drastically.

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Identity in Christ Sarah Bush Identity in Christ Sarah Bush


It seems to me that people have lost hope these days. This loss has not happened overnight but over time. The things that promise human flourishing have become shallow expressions of their presented self. No one wakes up and desires to be hopeless. But, when seemingly insurmountable challenges blockade the end road of their hope, the energy and desire to hope again become less and less attractive. The hope that comes through government, physical health, ethnic unity, and economic security has been challenged and, in some cases, destroyed. The only logical conclusion is to rely upon the self to provide the things promised by the object of hope.

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Identity in Christ Sarah Bush Identity in Christ Sarah Bush

The Importance of a Christian Conscience

My retirement fund would be in excellent shape if I had a nickel every time I heard encouragements like: “Listen to your heart! Trust your gut! Follow your moral compass!” Whether it is in your kids’ soccer games or in your job’s staff development training, much motivational talk involves encouraging the hesitant and reluctant to trust their instincts and personal judgment. We are naturally persuaded to believe every human being possesses all the necessary tools to navigate life’s choices and challenges.

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Identity in Christ Sarah Bush Identity in Christ Sarah Bush

Christians and Culture

It’s beyond a truism that wars around culture have infiltrated so much of daily life, both in and outside of the church. While bigger than mere politics, culture wars often fall along political lines. Yet, increasingly, fault lines within political ideology reveal that no one group has the corner on the market of truth and goodness.

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Identity in Christ Sarah Bush Identity in Christ Sarah Bush

What Politics Can’t Promise

The substantive decline in the moral fiber of our nation and the corresponding increase in daily anxiety have awakened our citizens to seek solutions in the political realm. We are increasingly interested in and passionate about politics. And the passion is rising to destructive levels. Each election cycle becomes more divisive, filled with demeaning rhetoric, and teeming with warnings that electing the wrong people will bring about the end of our democracy.

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Identity in Christ Sarah Bush Identity in Christ Sarah Bush

Our Bodies and God’s Design: Part 1

It’s still near the first of the year, and most people are thinking about their bodies. Cholesterol to be lowered, fat to be shed, muscle to be toned, blood sugar regulated, hair dyed (might I recommend A Touch of Grey), and wardrobe updated. And this isn’t a new year or even a “this year” point of emphasis. Humanity has always spent a significant amount of time navel-gazing, both metaphorically and literally.

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