Why Do We Observe The Lord’s Supper?

Written by Pastor Aaron Miller & Pastor Ryan Foglesong

Every first Sunday of the month, the family of Grace Baptist Church takes time to celebrate the communal meal known as The Lord's Supper, sometimes referred to as The Lord’s Table or Communion.

On the night he was betrayed, Jesus was celebrating the traditional Passover meal with his disciples. But, as he administered the bread and cup, Jesus re-purposed their symbolism to focus not on the deliverance of Israel from slavery in Egypt but on the deliverance he, himself, would accomplish on the cross. He would deliver his people from the slavery of sin through his death.

As he handed out the bread, he said, “this is my body, which is given for you.” What did he mean? Simply, that his entire incarnational mission was purposeful. Jesus, the Son of God, came to us as a man in order to be the perfect substitute for us.

And as he passed around the cup, he told his disciples that it represented the blood he would shed as the Lamb of God, sacrificed in our place and for our benefit.

And then Jesus commanded that his people – the church – should reenact this simple communal meal as a solemn time of remembrance, personal examination, and joyous celebration of his redemptive mission, which secured our salvation.

If you are a follower of the Lord Jesus, we invite you to partake of the bread and cup with us as fellow members of the church, the Body of Christ.


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