Why Do We Sing These Songs?

Written by Ryan Foglesong | Pastor of Corporate Worship

Scripture commands the church to sing “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” (Col. 3:16) together as one of our acts of corporate worship. These different kinds of music reflect songs that come directly from Scripture (the Book of Psalms), as well as new songs written by the church that reflect the truth of God and the gospel as revealed in Scripture.

At Grace Baptist, we sing ancient hymns that connect us to the generations of God’s people who have gone before us, we sing modern songs in an attempt to be faithful to God who calls us to “sing a new song” (Psalm 33:3), and also sing new arrangements of classic hymns.

What is most important is that in singing together, we are proclaiming Christ’s excellencies as His covenant people for our good and for His glory.


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