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One Anothering Sarah Bush One Anothering Sarah Bush

How To Ruin Your Life

Sometimes, the best way to see the consequences of our sin is to take it out of the darkness and hold it up to the light. Many years ago, I did just that with the Bathsheba event in David's life. The story is found in 2 Samuel 11, but let me turn it upside down and use it to show how you can ruin your life. If you think disobedience to God is the better choice, you may as well do it the way David did.

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One Anothering Sarah Bush One Anothering Sarah Bush

Sustaining, Not Obliterating, Grace

I seem to write and talk a lot about enduring amid trials. I never set out to be that guy in ministry. I had ambitions to be the pastor known for courageous conviction, inspiring vision, and powerful oration—something to be proud of. We like to fancy ourselves strong and capable, robust people who can overcome any hurdle. There’s a reason that “Has-Anxiety-Baggage-Laden-Man” never really took off as a Marvel hero.

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One Anothering Sarah Bush One Anothering Sarah Bush

Serving: Each One’s Gift

The Lord has gifted every Christian to serve the local church by uniquely forming them and equipping them with gifts only they can employ. Therefore, serving in the local church is a biblical and enriching expression of engagement towards the church family the Lord has given you.

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One Anothering Sarah Bush One Anothering Sarah Bush

Rejoice with Exceedingly Great Joy!

The birth of Jesus is the most significant event in the history of the world. His entrance was not what would have been expected. It was unassuming and unceremonious. The people of God who had not heard from God through the prophets for 500 years could have been tempted to believe the day of the Messiah's coming would never arrive.

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One Anothering Sarah Bush One Anothering Sarah Bush

Enduring Hope

We live in a world with an ever-diminishing sense of hope. When negative circumstances of life amass, people often react with despondence, bitterness, apathy, and cynicism about the future. However, God’s Word instructs those who belong to Christ not to share this same gloomy outlook.

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One Anothering Sarah Bush One Anothering Sarah Bush

The Gift of Gratitude: Embracing Thankfulness in Every Season

In the fabric of Christian virtues one thread stands out distinctly and weaves through the core of our faith: thankfulness. It sets us apart and reminds us that everything we have and all that we are is a gift. As Christians, our duty and joy are not only to receive these gifts with gratitude but also to embrace this call wholeheartedly. Thankfulness, profound and essential, is at the heart of our faith, shaping our outlook and infusing our lives with meaning and purpose.

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One Anothering Sarah Bush One Anothering Sarah Bush

Our Beautiful Burden: The Gift of One-Anothering

As an introvert, ministry can be overwhelming. Since people are the aim of all pastoral efforts, there is no end to questioning the effectiveness an introverted pastor can have in his calling. It seems introversion and pursuing people are at odds, which is true if not for the power that holds all things together, the Lord Jesus Christ. This is not unique to pastors; this embodies the experience of many people in the church family.

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One Anothering Sarah Bush One Anothering Sarah Bush

Laws, Principles, and the Christian Life

The Bible is filled with both laws and principles given by God to the authors of Scripture who wrote them down for our instruction and benefit. For example, in Genesis 2:15-17, God gave the first law: The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

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One Anothering Sarah Bush One Anothering Sarah Bush

Trusting In The Fullness of Forgiveness

Why is forgiveness so important? It seems like an unnecessary question to ask because forgiveness is so self-assumed and built into the Christian life. But let’s press into the answer. Forgiveness is important because we live in a world of conflict and pain. When it comes to forgiveness, there is more at stake than just our emotional health. Our emotional health is one of the blessings of forgiveness, but there is something far more foundational to discover here. The aim of forgiveness is not our personal and emotional health; first and foremost, forgiveness aims to show a watching world something beautiful in our lives that only God produces.

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