What Is Advent?

Written by Pastor Ryan Foglesong & Pastor Aaron Miller

The word “Advent” is a Latin word meaning “coming” or “arrival.” During the Advent season (about four weeks leading up to Christmas Day), Christians worldwide prepare to celebrate the coming of God into our world through the birth of his Son, Jesus Christ.

“The twin focus of the Incarnation and the Second Coming cannot be separated.”

Candles and wreaths are symbols the church has used over the centuries to promote and portray the gospel during this season. Here at Grace Baptist, you'll notice that we have an Advent wreath encircling five candles during Sunday services. Candles are lit in succession, one more each week as we count the Sundays in Advent, waiting for Christ's birth. The center and final candle, the Christ candle, celebrates the Light of Life invading our darkness of sin. Jesus said this of himself in John 8:12,

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life."

The weeks of Advent remind us to set aside some of the hectic busyness of the holiday season and quietly reflect on the baby born in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago and His promise to come again. The twin focus of the Incarnation and the Second Coming cannot be separated. So just as God’s people eagerly awaited the first coming of the Messiah for thousands of years, we do so now “waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13 ESV).

Gloria, Gloria! Our God has come for us, and He will come again.


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