January 2, 2025


New to Grace Baptist? Connect with us!
If you're new, stop by The Engage Center on The Patio after services to pick up your welcome gift. We'd love to meet you and help you explore what could be your next steps at Grace. And, if you're looking to join a small group (Adult Bible Fellowship or Grace Group), come get more details, or click below and let us help you get connected!

Adult Bible Fellowships

Looking to get plugged into the Grace Baptist Family? Join an ABF!
ABFs provide a place for the Grace family to meet and study God's word together in a small group setting and have time for fellowship, prayer, and connection on a deeper level. Many of our ABFs are multigenerational, and we encourage believers of all different ages and walks of life to gather together in community. ABFs meet on Sundays during both services. We would love for you to check one out. For a list of the ABFs currently meeting, click the link below.

Grace Groups

Have you ever thought about joining a Grace Group?
Grace Groups meet in homes around the Santa Clarita Valley. These small groups are small enough for building relationships, making friends, applying Scripture, and praying for one another. They meet weeknights all over our valley.

If you're interested in joining a Grace Group, give us a little info below and we'll be in touch very soon. If you have any questions, email us at outreach@gracebaptist.org


We Love Baptisms Here at Grace Baptist Church!
If you would like to be baptized, email us a: outreach@gracebaptist.org 


Our next membership class is on Saturday, January 25 from 8am to noon.
Come hear from a handful of pastors and elders to learn more about what it means to be a member of Grace Baptist Church.
To get more info, visit our webpage here.

Corporate Worship

Sunday Worship Songs

This Sunday, the songs we’ll be singing are: As For Me And My House, How Great Is The Greatness Of God, All Of Our Tomorrows, and My Worth Is Not In What I Own. To listen to the songs we sing in main services, as well as other songs, go to our Spotify account by clicking the link below.

Grace Outreach


2025 Global Outreach Team Trips — APPLICATIONS are due Monday, January 6!
Our 2025 GO Team short-term mission trips are: Greece Maintenance, Greece Refugee Family Camp, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Arabian Peninsula, Ogden Utah, and the Middle East. ALL are accepting applications! If you're undecided or have questions about a trip, please email Kim at: Kim.Stroh@gracebaptist.org For more information visit our webpage below or email Kim Stroh at: Kim.Stroh@gracebaptist.org

Grace Care & Counseling


Support Groups gather people facing similar challenges for encouragement, prayer, support, and guidance on how to walk worthy of Christ.
Grace Disability Ministry
Grace Disability finds its roots in a biblical view of humanity which says that every individual has inherent value, as every person is an image bearer of God (Genesis 1:26-31, Psalm 8:4-5). The individuals and families who experience disability are indispensable to the purpose and goal of the church, and our aim is to support them as they live out their unique calling. We are launching a Mothers Experiencing Disability group as part of this ministry. For more information, please contact us at care@gracebaptist.org


  • Grace Chaplain Ministry
    The Care Department is seeking godly men from the Grace Family who would like to volunteer for a 4-hour shift in the morning or afternoon during business hours. This valuable ministry provides support to our Pastors of the Week by answering calls or conducting informal meetings with those who call or walk in in search of support, biblical guidance, and prayer as they share their current life struggles.
    Anyone interested can email counseling@gracebaptist.org or call the church office at 661-296-8737 X153 for a volunteer application.

  • Home Team
    Do you have special carpentry or repair skills and are willing to join our Home Team Ministry? Home Team provides free to low-cost maintenance repairs for our widows, senior members, and single moms. If you’re interested in serving in this worthwhile ministry, call the church office at 661-296-8737 X153 for a volunteer application.

Grace Kids

So far in our study of Exodus, the kids have been taught that God called Moses to lead his people out of Egypt. God showed his great power by sending the ten plagues, parting the Red Sea, and providing food and water for Israel. Even when the people complained and grumbled, God showed grace by giving them what they did not deserve and meeting their needs. This Sunday, through a study of Exodus 19-20 and 31, we will teach them how God led Israel to Mount Sinai where he would give them his commandments and remind them of his covenant. 

God gave his people commandments so they would know how to honor him and live rightly. Because of sin, no one can keep these commandments perfectly. God sent his son, Jesus, to live a perfect, sinless life. Jesus died and rose again so that sinners can be forgiven. 

Please pray for our kids to believe that only Jesus can perfectly keep all the commandments and can never sin. Because of his life, death, and resurrection, we can have our sins forgiven, so we are no longer separated from God. 

Grace Kids Volunteers Needed

Join the adventure on Sunday mornings and be a part of teaching and modeling God’s Word to the next generation.

Current opportunities include:

  • PreK Room Leader at the 10:45am service

  • Basecamp Host (facilitates the large group time with our 1st-6th grade kids at 8:45am service or 1st-4th grade kids at 10:45am service)

  • Substitute Room Leader or Helper

If interested, send us an email at: kids@gracebaptist.org

Click the link below for more information about Grace Kids!

Student Ministries

No Sunday or Wednesday Youth Group from December 18 - January 1.

Sunday Morning
Youth Group | 8:45am – 10:00am in the Timothy Student Center
This is where our focus is on engaging the hearts and minds of students by teaching through a book of the Bible. We aim to equip students on how to appropriately interpret the Bible and personally apply it to their lives.

Wednesday Night Youth Group | 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Come to The Patio and follow us into the TSC (Timothy Student Center) for all the fun.

Grace Groups
Grace groups are a part of our weekly gathering at youth group, and twice a month, we meet at a volunteer’s home where our leaders spend time with an assigned group of students. All of our groups are open so let us know if you would like to get connected.

Boffo Burgers
This hospitality ministry happens on Wednesday evenings, where we cook and sell food for families who are on campus. The proceeds will fund an outreach service opportunity our students will participate in. We'd love to talk to you if you’d like to help with the Boffo Burgers Ministry of cooking and hospitality. Email Christian Delgado at: christian.delgado@gracebaptist.org

“The Spot” e-News is a great way to stay informed about upcoming events and find resources for parents and students. It is also a great place to find links for things like registration for camp and other events, as well as to communicate with student ministry staff. Click on the link below to sign up. 

Upcoming Events:

  • Recall 2025 - INTERPOSED | Friday - Sunday, January 17-19
    Registration for Recall is live! The regular registration price is $100. Late registration begins on Sunday, January 5.
    Click here to learn more and to register.

Grace College

Thursday Night Main Meeting Begins again on Thursday, January 9 at 6pm!

Mid-Week Small Groups | Tuesdays
During the week, we gather in more casual settings offsite to worship, study, and create space for unhurried conversation. Living out our Christian faith in the secular arena is a very real challenge every college student faces. During this mid-week gathering, we take time to address these issues through biblical instruction and group discussion. For locations and times, email college@gracebaptist.org.

Thursday Nights at 6pm | Timothy Student Center - Jr. High Room, 101
Our main meeting will no longer be on Sunday mornings, but will now be on Thursday nights at 6pm in the TSC Jr. High Room at Grace Baptist Church! We encourage you all to get involved in an Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) on Sunday mornings. (Visit: gracebaptist.org/abf for a list of ABFs.) And we hope to see you on Thursday nights!

Upcoming Events:

  • College Pizza Lunch | THIS Sunday, December 8, 12:30pm | Location BBQ area or Lobby of TSC (depending on the weather.)

For any questions or more details, email college@gracebaptist.org And follow us on Instagram @gracecollegescv

Grace Young Adults

Grace Young Adults is a college/post-college ministry (20s and 30s). Our desire is for young adults to be anchored in Christ. We exist to equip and inspire college and post-college-aged young people to powerfully live out the gospel. We do that through monthly events and weekly Grace Groups.

Email us
here for more information on getting involved with a GYA Grace Group.

Re | Engage Marriage Ministry

Grace Marriage Ministry registration is OPEN!
Begins Soon! Wednesday, January 15, 6:30pm

We’re excited to gather as couples this Spring to learn about God's design for marriage and apply biblical principles for building a healthy relationship. It is meant for all ages and all marriage levels. You just got married, join us! You have been married for 60 years, join us! Your marriage is in crisis, please join us!
To get more info and to register, visit our webpage below.

Grace Women 

Grace Women’s Conference 2025: The Fatherhood of God
Blair Linne is our guest speaker for our upcoming Women’s Conference! The Fatherhood of God is a profoundly beautiful and valuable understanding of who God is. This truth helps us to have a deeper sense of belonging and His unconditional love that transcends everything. The conference includes three main sessions with Blair Linne, practical breakouts, lunch, goodies, and more! We hope you'll join us to learn and be encouraged by the assurance that we are truly valued and cherished by our Heavenly Father. The cost is $75 to attend. Click the link below to register.

Upcoming Events:

  • Friday and Saturday, February 7 and 8, 2025 | Fatherhood of God - Women’s Conference

Grace Men

Grace Men exists to build up the men of Grace so that they may magnify the Glory of God. Our vision is to see every man growing in character and skill to sacrificially lead in the home, community, workplace, and church.
To learn more about what is happening in Men's Ministry, visit our web page below.

Men’s Monthly Breakfasts — Our NEXT one is on Saturday, January 4!
Come join us! This is the perfect opportunity for men to connect and strengthen friendships at Grace. Breakfast is on Saturdays from 7:30-9am in the Conference Center. Cost is $5. Register below for the dates you plan to attend. Our next one is on Saturday, January 4!

Save the Date! Grace Golf Tournament
We’re excited for our Grace Golf Tournament on Monday, February 10 at 12pm. We’ll be at the Sand Canyon Country Club for a time of fun, fellowship, and a round of golf. To sign up or to get more info, visit our webpage here.

Weekly Men’s Bible Studies
You may email us below with any questions regarding Men’s Bible studies.
Visit the Men’s web page by clicking the link below for current Bible Study details.

Senior Adults/XYZ Bible Study

Senior Saints Weekly Meetings
Our Senior Adults (55+) meet on Tuesday Mornings from 10:45am-12pm in the Conference Center (Building A).
We enjoy quality time together in fellowship, lift our voices in a special time of singing, and delight in excellent teaching. Right now we’re enjoying going through the Book of John. As a special treat, we also have an extended time of music on the second Tuesday of each month. 

We’d love to have you join us!
If you have any questions, email us at the link below or give us a call at 661-296-8737.

Grace Food Pantry

We truly appreciate receiving ongoing donations to our Food Pantry. Consider volunteering in this special ministry!

This year, Grace Baptist has the opportunity to provide bags of food to families in need at Golden Valley High School. We're so excited to be helping meet this need and to continue our partnership with the students and faculty at Golden Valley High School. We have more food distributions planned for this year, as well as, helping meet the needs within our own Grace Family.

For a list of items needed, visit the webpage below.
Click the link below for more information.

Grace Spanish

Bienvenidos a nuestro ministerio en Español!   Welcome to Grace Spanish!   

Que bendición que nuestra Iglesia de Grace tenga un ministerio en Español. Nuestro ministerio, dirigido por el Pastor David Cea, está dedicado a nuestra diversidad latina y todas nuestras reuniones son completamente en Español. Tenemos reuniones presenciales y en línea a las que le invitamos a que nos acompañe. 

¡Invite a alguien más!  

Did you know that we have an amazing Spanish ministry here at Grace? If you are or know someone who is a Spanish speaker, we invite you to join us for worship on Sunday mornings! Below, you will find more information on our meeting times. 

Reuniones del Domingo:  

  • Servicio Principal | 9:00am-10:30am | Salón de Conferencias 

  • Escuela Dominical | 11:00am-12:00pm | Salón de Conferencias 

Estudios Bíblicos Entre Semana: 

  • Miércoles | 6:30pm | Salón D222 y es transmitido por Facebook & YouTube   

Reuniones Mensuales:  

  • Varones y Mujeres | Segundo Domingo del Mes | 11:00am – 12:00pm 

  • Matrimonios | Ultimo Domingo del Mes | 11:00am-12:00pm 

¿Tiene alguna petición? ¿Algo de que podamos orar por usted?
Somos su familia en Cristo y queremos apoyarle en oración. Utilice el enlace de abajo para mandarnos su petición.   “Confesaos vuestras ofensas unos a otros, y orad unos por otros, para que seáis sanados. La oración eficaz del justo puede mucho.” (Santiago 5:16) 

Grace Coffee

Did you know that our coffee shop is open on weekdays? Grab a drink during their new extended hours and hang out on the patio! To keep up to date on shop hours and new drinks, check out their Instagram @gracecoffeescv

Monday | 8:00am-3:00pm

Tuesday | 10:00am-3:00pm

Wednesday | 8:00am-3:00pm and 5-7pm

Thursday | 8:00am-12:30pm

Friday | CLOSED

Saturday | CLOSED

Sunday | 8:00am-12:30pm

Grace Library

The Grace Library provides excellent Christian materials for all ages and stages in life to help people “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18). Use of the library is free of charge — a completed registration form is all that we need — and is open to anyone in the Santa Clarita Valley. You can also search our collection from home or work. Click below to visit the Library web page and learn more.

Library Hours: 

  • Sundays  |  10:00am-12:30pm.

  • Monday  |  CLOSED

  • Tuesday  |  10:00am - 2:00pm

  • Wednesday mornings  |  10:00am - 2:00pm

  • Wednesday evenings  |  6:00pm - 8:00pm  (Awana evenings only)

  • Thursday  |  10:30am - 1:30pm

  • Friday  |  CLOSED

  • Saturday  |  CLOSED

This Sunday | Sermon Info

This weekend, we begin the new year with a sermon series called, “Why We Give.” This week’s sermon is Part One. The Scripture references are selected.


January 9, 2025


December 26, 2024