Membership Affirmation
For those who are Grace Baptist Church Members, we are asking you to affirm your commitment to being a member here, reading over our Membership Covenant, and committing once again to this church family. Thanks for your ongoing partnership as part of this church family!
Baptism and church membership are intended to be embraced together. Baptism is a church-life act that exemplifies the believer’s connection to Christ and to His Body, the Church. Having a right understanding of baptism means having a right understanding of the importance of the church. When an individual is baptized here, they are being baptized into the family of Grace, committing to gather together to worship, engage one another for growth and encouragement, and reach together into this city and this world with the hope of the Gospel. Baptism is all about identification with Christ and commitment to His Church.
Why We Join
For many Christ-followers today, the question of membership in a local church is just that: A question without easy answers. Why should I join a local church? Isn’t attending really being a member? What does church membership entail? Why is it important? And, is it even biblical given the New Testament doesn’t speak about it or seem to require it?
At Grace, we aim to see mission and membership work together, for it is the members that link together to accomplish a mission. Our mission as a local church flows directly out of The Great Commission given by the resurrected Jesus to his disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). This mission consists of seeing all people from all nations come under the redeeming love that is found in the person and work of Jesus. By becoming a member of the Grace family, you are partnering with us in a God-ordained mission to make disciples who live for the glory of God.
Our Membership Covenant reflects the core commitments we make to each other as partners in this church family. Membership is more than merely signing a piece of paper or adding your name to a list—it is joining a covenant community of believers who commit to love and service both to each other and to Christ.
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Saturday, May 10th, 8am to noon.
Learn more about what it means to be a member at Grace Baptist through this engaging and informative class. Childcare is available for ages 4 and under. To register your child, click the button below.
Saturday, September 20th, 8am to noon.
Learn more about what it means to be a member at Grace Baptist through this engaging and informative class. Childcare is available for ages 4 and under. To register your child, click the button below.