
Hard copy booklets are available on our resource wall in the Worship Center Lobby and at the Engage Center on Sunday Mornings.

Why We Neighbor

Disciple Making Studies for the Church

When we think of doing evangelism and missions, our minds most often gravitate to a particular thing that we have done: a missions trip, a service project, or a Gospel conversation. But the Scripture calls us first to identity before action. This is true in all areas of the Christian life. Theologians describe this as the indicative of Scripture coming before the imperatives. That is, the statements of reality that precede and shape the calls to action in the Bible. This is true in our sanctification, we can obey the commands of Scripture only because of the work of Christ for and in us. The truth of salvation in Christ precedes the call to follow Christ in discipleship.

Why We Minister to Those Experiencing Disability

A practiced Imago Dei, shaped by a robust theology centered on the sovereignty of God, in concert with a solid ecclesiology, leads to a ministry rooted in Christ's very nature and character. When Christians view image bearers with disabilities as co-equal with them in worth, value, and dignity, then what follows is a gospel-oriented pursuit of those who “seem weaker” to be equally evangelized, discipled, and valued in the Body of Christ.

Why We Pray

In Luke 11:1, we see Jesus doing what he had done so many times before: Take a retreat from his arduous ministry to pray and enjoy fellowship with his Father. Luke mentions that the disciples were close by and whether they heard Jesus praying audibly or saw him praying silently, the moment triggered a curiosity. “Lord, teach us to pray.” Was it Peter? John? One of the others? We don’t know, but all twelve leaned in to hear what they had been missing. John’s disciples had already received a taste of instruction on the matter, and now it was their turn. Who better to teach them than the Son of God — “Lord, teach us to pray.”

Post Tenebras Lux |

After Darkness Light

A Reformation Season Companion

As we look back on the era of the Reformation, it is concisely represented in the five Solas Sola being Latin for only, or alone, and is used to distinguish the biblical doctrines of Scripture, Grace, Faith, Christ, and Glory to God from the beliefs, definitions, and components added to them by the Medieval church. We remember the Reformation Season, not as a memorial to Martin Luther or any other man, but as a celebration of God’s grace in bringing the glorious light of the Gospel back to the church. For this reason, a new latin motto was born during the Reformation era: Post Tenebras Lux —After Darkness Light

The Obedience of Faith

The Book of Romans Study Guide | Part 1

Dive into this little booklet as we study, perhaps the greatest theological "letter" ever written. The obedience of faith is Paul's way of saying that faith and obedience are inextricably connected. As your faith grows and is deepened and strengthened, obedience to God will become more consistent, more conspicuous, and more delightful. 

60th Anniversary Grace Weekly

In this commemorative edition of the Grace Weekly, we will discover that the enduring legacy of Grace Baptist Church is not expressed through corporate gatherings, ministry programs, community events, and campus buildings. The legacy continues through the lives of Christ-followers who are committed to understanding and applying the word of God into every area of life through every season of life.

He is Risen Indeed!

A Passion Season Companion

This little booklet is skillfully written by Pastor David W. Hegg and meant to guide our hearts and minds as we reflect on the Passion Season leading up to the Resurrection of Our Lord.

Why We Join

Disciple Making Studies for the Church

For many Christ-followers today, the question of membership in a local church is just that: A question without easy answers. Why should I join a local church? Isn’t attending really being a member? What does church membership entail? Why is it important? And, is it even biblical given the New Testament doesn’t speak about it or seem to require it?

Joy to the World

An Advent Companion

Joy to the world, the Lord is come! This is truly a season of celebration and joy as we remember the gift of our Savior. To help you find the joy of Jesus in the midst of the frenzy that accompanies the holidays, we offer this Advent Companion — an excuse to stop, sit quietly, read God’s word, reflect on his faithfulness and wondrous love, and respond in joyous prayer to him for his unspeakable gift of the Savior.

Jesus in All of Life

Part 1 | 1 Corinthians Study Guide

I Corinthians is a unique letter because it contains Paul’s response to a host of questions the Corinthians asked in a previous letter. There are 19 topics in total that Paul will address, and they can be divided into three categories. We have prepared our study guides accordingly. They are designed with small group discussions in mind, and our hope is that they enrich your engagement with God’s word and with one another.

Jesus in All of Life

Part 2 | 1 Corinthians Study Guide

I Corinthians is a unique letter because it contains Paul’s response to a host of questions the Corinthians asked in a previous letter. There are 19 topics in total that Paul will address, and they can be divided into three categories. We have prepared our study guides accordingly. They are designed with small group discussions in mind, and our hope is that they enrich your engagement with God’s word and with one another.

Jesus in All of Life

Part 3 | 1 Corinthians Study Guide

I Corinthians is a unique letter because it contains Paul’s response to a host of questions the Corinthians asked in a previous letter. There are 19 topics in total that Paul will address, and they can be divided into three categories. We have prepared our study guides accordingly. They are designed with small group discussions in mind, and our hope is that they enrich your engagement with God’s word and with one another.

Why We Give

At Grace Baptist Church we are deeply committed to God’s Word as our guide in all things. The Bible is very clear that God has a standard for the disciplined and honorable management of every area of our lives. From Colossians 3:17 and other passages, it is clear that the way in which we use money for ourselves, for our families, and especially for the Kingdom of God is, from the perspective of our Heavenly Father, an intensely spiritual issue. In this study, we will walk through what the Bible says about money in the believers life.

Gospel Basics

The gospel of Jesus Christ is bright light and living hope. It’s a bright light that shines into the darkest recesses of the world and the human heart. It’s living hope that transforms, reconciles, and sustains. In this study we will walk through portions of The Gospel at Grace - a pamphlet we developed to help us think together about how to think about and share the Gospel. Our prayer is that this study will lead us to better , rest in, and proclaim this gospel. 

Go, Therefore

Jesus describes disciple-making in Matthew 28:19-2 through two basic phrases: (1) going that is, reaching out, witnessing, and evangelism; and (2) baptizing the new disciples and teaching them to obey all that he taught. This study focuses on Jesus going to those separated from God and its purpose is to learn how: 

  • Jesus related to people outside of the kingdom of God.

  • Jesus declared, discussed, and shared the goodness of the gospel

  • To apply the knowledge, wisdom, and means of Jesus in our own outreach efforts.

In order to do this, we will look at three encounters that Jesus had with people separated from God, and then look at our role as the feet, hands, and voice of Jesus.