September 1, 2022
New to Grace? Want to Get Connected?
If you're new, stop by The Engage Center on The Patio after services to pick up your welcome gift! We'd love to meet you and help you explore what could be your next steps at Grace. And, if you're looking to join a small group (Adult Bible Fellowship or Grace Group), come get more details and let us help you get connected!
Grace Baptist Blood Drive
Give blood. Help save lives.
To make your life-saving appointment, click below and enter Sponsor Code: GraceBaptistSCV or call 1-800-Red Cross. To learn your blood type and where your blood was used, download the App: Text: BLOODAPP to 90999. Remember to bring your Photo ID to your appointment.
Thursday, October 6, 8am - 2pm on the Grace campus | Red Cross Blood Drive
Adult Bible Fellowship
Looking to get plugged into the Grace Baptist Family? Join an ABF!
ABFs provide a place for the Grace family to meet and study God's word together in a small group setting and have time for fellowship, prayer, and connection on a deeper level. Many of our ABFs are multigenerational, and we encourage believers of all different ages and walks of life to gather together in community. ABFs meet on Sundays during both services. We would love for you to check one out. For a list of the ABFs currently meeting, click the link below.
We’re excited about our newest ABF, Bereans! It starts on Sunday, September 11 at 8:45am in Room D121.
Dr. William Varner will be leading us through a study of Hebrews.
American Heritage Girls
American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered character and leadership development program for girls 5-18 years old. Their mission is to build women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country. To get more info, email below.
Grace Outreach
THIS Sunday, September 4 | Baby Bottle Boomerang
Stop by the Patio this Sunday and pick up a Baby Bottle and fill it with change, cash or a check to help support the SCV Pregnancy Center.NEXT Sunday, September 11 after services on The Patio | Meet Our Local Ministry Partners
As we wrap up our Gather, Engage, Reach series on September 11, we’ll be hosting some of our community partners out on The Patio to facilitate community connections! Please join us after services to find out how we can serve our community and share Christ's love.
Saturday, September 24 at 8:00am | SCV Pregnancy Center's Annual Walk For Life
Join hundreds of other Heroes and walk to save lives. Together, more lives can be saved in Santa Clarita than ever before! This In-Person event will be held at Crossroads Community Church, 25300 Rye Canyon Road, Valencia…or you can walk ANYWHERE you choose! Register below!Bridge to Home
Bridge to Home, one of our local outreach partners, has given us many ways to invest in the lives of the homeless in SCV. Currently, there is a need for teams to make and serve dinners. If you'd like to sign up to be on a team and help bless the Shelter residents with a meal, contact Outreach below.
If you would like to learn more about these three ministries that Grace Baptist is partnering with who are actively involved in providing relief to those affected by the war in Ukraine, click below.
EuroRelief | EuroRelief is a connection of Hellenic Ministries in Greece. Their expertise is now being used in caring for the influx of refugees out of Ukraine.
Josiah Venture | Since before 2007, Josiah Venture has been involved in a disciple-making movement in Ukraine where they serve and partner with over 100 churches.
Children’s Hunger Fund | God has opened a door for CHF to provide relief aid to churches and strategic partners caring for Ukrainians and refugees in Romania and Poland.
Corporate Worship
This Sunday in services, we'll be singing:
Open The Eyes Of My Heart Lord, His Mercy Is More, My Soul Will Wait, My Redeemer’s Love, and All I Have Is Christ. To listen to these songs on Spotify, click the link below for our Weekly Songs Playlist.
Kids Choir Registration is OPEN! Rehearsals start Wednesday, September 7.
The K-2nd Grade Choir and the 3rd - 6th Grade Choir will meet at 4:30pm and the 7th-12th Grade Choir will meet at 5:30pm. Register now at the links below.
Serve in Music Ministry
If you're interested in serving in Music Ministry, email us below to get a volunteer application and schedule an audition. Currently, we're looking for bass players, drummers, string players, and male voices for the choir!
Grace Care
The GriefShare Fall Season has been updated due to room logistics. Please take note that the day has been changed from Wednesdays to Thursdays.
TONIGHT, Thursday, September 1 - December 8, 6:30-8:30pm, D120 /121 | Grief Share Fall Season
This 13-week session offers support and encouragement to those experiencing the loss of a loved one. All are welcome whether it is your first time or whether you seek a source of continuous support. Register below.
Thursday, November 17 or December 15, 6:30-8:30pm, D120/121 | Surviving the Holidays
This special one-time meeting offers support to those who must walk the path of the first or subsequent holidays grieving the loss of a loved one. The curriculum is identical for both dates but provides flexibility to attend according to possible scheduling conflicts. No need to register.
Frazzled Families
Frazzled Families is a place to find encouragement and support with other families who have a loved one with a diagnosed long-term mental or physical disability.
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, September 8 - December 8 at 6:30pm, in Room C116 | Frazzled Families
Call the church office at 296-8737, x162 to sign up.
To learn more about our Care Groups, click below to visit the Grace Care web page.
Grace Kids
THIS Sunday, September 4, we will have ONE service for ALL of Grace at 10:00am, so Grace Kids will not be meeting. Our infants through PreK (along with our kids with special needs) will still meet as usual in Building B. Our Kindergarten – 4th Grade Grace Kids will be joining their parents in the Worship Center.
Opportunities to Disciple Our Kids
Consider joining us on Sunday mornings and mid-week starting this September. If you're interested, email below for more info!
Upcoming/Ongoing Events:
AWANA 2022/23 | Begins On Wednesday, September 7
For more information about Grace Kids, visit our web page below.
5th and 6th
THIS Sunday, September 4, we will have ONE service for ALL of Grace at 10:00am, so 5th and 6th will not be meeting. Enjoy worshipping together!
Student Ministries
The goal of Student Ministries is to be a place where Junior High and High School students can move from first faith to firm faith. Our greatest privilege is to partner with families in their discipleship efforts. We hope you'll come and join us.
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00pm | Wednesday Night Youth Group
This is a relaxed time of being together for fun, teaching, and small group discussions! Join us in the Student Center - High School Room.
Sundays, 8:45-10:40am | Join us in the Timothy Student Center (TSC)
We'll have games, teaching, and small group discussions. Note: THIS Sunday, September 4, we will have ONE service for ALL of Grace at 10:00am, so Student Ministries will not be meeting.
“The Spot”
If you'd like to know even more details about what's happening in Student Ministries, sign-up for our eNews called “The Spot” by clicking on the link below.
Grace Young Adults
Grace Young Adults is a college/post-college ministry (18-25). Our desire is for young adults to be anchored in Christ. We exist to equip and inspire college and post-college-aged young people to powerfully live out the gospel. We do that through monthly events and weekly Grace Groups.
For more information on how to get involved in a GYA Grace Group, email below.
Grace Women
Main Bible Study
Our Main Bible Study is beginning in September of 2022 and we hope you’ll join us! This is a free Bible Study and it is a great time to dig into God's Word and connect with a group of ladies. We’ll be studying 1 and 2 Peter which will remind us that we are chosen by God for a living hope that encourages us to be steadfast in our faith despite the difficulties we all encounter in this life. Childcare will be provided. There is a Tuesday evening and a Wednesday morning option. Don’t miss out! Click below to learn more and to sign up.
Grace Women TOGETHER: Fall
We're so excited to gather again for another evening of fun and fellowship! Join us for our next event on Friday, September 16 at 7:00pm. This evening will consist of floral bouquet making with an encouraging testimony. This is a great opportunity to bring your neighbors, friends, and family -- any female you know over the age of 14! The cost is $5 and will take place in the Conference Center.
Friday, September 16 at 7:00pm | Grace Women TOGETHER: Fall To join in, register below by September 11!
Click below to learn more about Grace Women.
Grace Men
Grace Men exists to build up the men of Grace in order that they may magnify the Glory of God. Our vision is to see every man growing in character and skill to sacrificially lead in the home, community, workplace, and church. To learn more about all that is happening in Men's Ministry, click below.
Weekly Men’s Bible Studies:
Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00pm | Come study the "Book of Acts" in D222.
Wednesdays, 7-8:00am | Bible study and prayer in D120-D121
Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 6:30-8:00pm | Come study "Romans" in D221.
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 6:30-8:00pm | Come study "Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life" by Donald Whitney in D221.
Every 2nd and 4th Saturday, 7-9:00am | Come study "Knowing God" by J.I.Packer on The Patio.
Click below to email for more info regarding any of these Bible studies.
Senior Adults/XYZ Bible Study
Each TUESDAY at 10:45am in the Conference Center (Building A), our senior adults meet to study God's word, pray, and have a wonderful time of fellowship.
On the second Tuesday of each month, we enjoy a special time of music together. We hope that you will join us and make new friends. For any questions, click below to email us.
Grace Spanish
Bienvenidos a nuestro ministerio en Español! Welcome to Grace Spanish!
Que bendición que su Iglesia de Grace tenga un ministerio en Español. Tenemos reuniones presénciales y en línea a las que le invitamos a que nos acompañe y que invite a alguien más. Abajo encontrara la información de las reuniones disponibles y si tiene alguna pregunta, nos puede contactar por este mismo medio.
Did you know that we have an amazing Spanish ministry here at Grace? If you are, or know someone who is a Spanish speaker, we want to invite you to come join us for worship on Sunday mornings! Below you will find more information on when and where we meet.
Eventos: !Unase con Nosotros Para El Domingo En Familia!
Domingo en Familia! | 4 de Septiembre | 10:00 am | Centro de Adoración
Este Domingo nos uniremos toda la familia de Grace para tener UN servicio general. Nosotros tendremos la Escuela Dominical a las 9am y después nos reuniremos todos en el Centro de Adoración (NO en el Anfiteatro). Habrá cuidado de cuneros hasta preKinder (junto con nuestros niños con necesidades especiales). Nuestros niños de Kindergarten en adelante NO se reunirán.
Reuniones del Domingo:
Oración Matutina | 8:00am-8:45am | Salón B112
Servicio Devocional | 9:00am-10:30am | Salón de Conferencias
Escuela Dominical | 11:00am-12:00pm | Salón de Conferencias
Estudios Bíblicos Entre Semana:
Miércoles | 6:30pm | Salón D222 | También es transmitido por Facebook & YouTube
Jueves para Seniors | 10:30am | Salón D120 | Reanuda 18 de Agosto
Reuniones Mensuales:
Varones y Mujeres | Segundo Domingo del Mes | 11:00am – 12:00pm
Matrimonios | Ultimo Domingo del Mes | 11:00am-12:00pm
¿Tiene alguna petición? ¿Algo de que podamos orar por usted?
Somos su familia en Cristo y queremos apoyarle en oración. Utilice el enlace de abajo para mandarnos su petición. “Confesaos vuestras ofensas unos a otros, y orad unos por otros, para que seáis sanados. La oración eficaz del justo puede mucho.” (Santiago 5:16)
Grace Library
The Grace Library provides excellent Christian materials for all ages and stages in life to help people “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18) Use of the library is free of charge — a completed registration form is all that we need — and is open to anyone in the Santa Clarita Valley. You can also search our collection from home or work. Click below to visit the Library web page and learn more.
Library Hours:
Sundays | 10:00am-12:30pm.
Monday | CLOSED
Tuesday | 10:00am - 2:00pm
Wednesday mornings | 10:00am - 2:00pm
Wednesday evenings | 6:00pm - 8:00pm (Awana evenings only)
Thursday | 10:30am - 1:30pm
Friday | CLOSED
Saturday | CLOSED
This Sunday | Sermon Info
Join us for our short series: Gather, Engage, and Reach. This Sunday's sermon title is "Three Signs of an Engaged Church" The Scripture reference is 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10.
Last Weekend | Sunday Service