GraceU seeks to cultivate Christ-followers who think and live theologically.
GraceU is a church-wide discipleship ministry that offers strategic short-term courses to promote spiritual maturity in the life of Grace Baptist Church. Each course will have a minimal cost which includes printed class notes.
GraceU Courses fulfill Grace Baptist Church’s mission to make and multiply Christ followers by equipping Grace members, and those in neighboring churches, through offering a formalized biblical education within the local church. It aims to grow mature church leadership via the four educational benchmarks of biblical literacy, theological development, personal discipleship, and ministerial preparation. Courses can be credited toward three certificate tracks and taken throughout the year:
Spiritual Enrichment (SE)
Ministry Training (MT)
Pastoral Development (PD)
Childcare is offered for children 4 and under, please pre-register your children by clicking here
Upcoming Courses & Seminars
GraceU Courses
Seminar: Conflict and Your Kids
Alan Berthiaume
Date: March 2nd
Cost: No cost
Time: 8:45am
Room: TSC 200, 201
No registration is necessary.
A parent's guide to conflict resolution in your home.
GraceU Courses
Dynamics of Leadership
Joe Keller | Executive Pastor
Date: Tuesdays starting March 25th and ending June 3rd *No class on April 15th
Cost: $50
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm
Room: D220
*Childcare available for ages 4 and under. Please pre-register them here
How can I grow as a leader in my church? This course offers a foundation for the vital participation of every Christian in local church ministry and explores areas of development and growth in the skills needed to lead across a variety of ministries within Grace Baptist Church and beyond.
Advanced Hermeneutics
David Hegg | Senior Pastor
Date: Thursday, starting March 27th and ending June 5th *No class on April 17th
Cost: $80
Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Room: D220
*Childcare available for ages 4 and under. Please pre-register them here
This course introduces students to typically challenging issues in Scripture, aiming to develop strategies for approaching and resolving apparent contradictions, logical fallacies, theologically complex texts, and textual criticism issues. Students will develop their ability to read and write critically, effectively research and utilize resources, and apply the skills gained throughout the program.
Science and Society
Joe Francis
Date: Wednesdays, starting March 26th and ending on June 4th *No class on April 16th.
Cost: $80
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm
Room: D120/121
*Childcare available for ages 4 and under. Please pre-register them here
This course will examine critical questions: How far do we go with genetic advancements? How much do we alter ourselves and the rest of nature? In this course, students will examine these advances in biology and genetics using a Christian Worldview, which declares that all life is sacred but also shows that healing through medicine and science is not something to be feared but harnessed to promote the sanctity of life.