How do I follow Jesus?
You were made to be in relationship with God.
God created all things, especially people, not because he needed something from them, but because he wanted to share his love and his goodness with them. Your worth, purpose, identity, and dignity all come from God and are meant to find their fulfillment in God.
We live in a broken world with broken people.
There are times in life when the empty brokenness of this life hits us in fresh ways. We were made to find our fullness in God, but our sin separates us from him. God is perfect and, as people, we are not. We aren’t just good people who do bad things, we are people foundationally broken by sin. The Bible actually calls this spiritual death, the absence of spiritual life. And we see this sin not just in ourselves, but all around us. We know that things shouldn’t be like this, but we don’t always know why or where to find redemption and restoration.
Our Sin Separates us from God
Our sin separates us from God, but God doesn’t leave us there. God sent his son, Jesus, to step into the brokenness of this world and provide forgiveness and new life through his death and resurrection. Salvation and newness don’t come as the result of the good things that we do or the fervency of our own effort, they are a gift that God gives. And everyone who recognizes their need for Jesus and looks to him alone for forgiveness, is forgiven and given eternal life.
God delights in saving sinners.
You were made for God and God is so kind and so loving that he delights to save sinners, giving his own perfection and his new life. By turning away from your sin to follow him (repentance) and trusting that he alone can save you (faith), God makes you new.
Do you have more questions?
We would love a chance to talk more about this with you, getting to share hope and life in a world that seems so hopeless and lifeless. Fill out the form below, and we’d love to connect with you.
More About What We Believe
If you’d like a more in-depth look about what we believe here at Grace Baptist Church, click on the link below.