Grace Kids

Infants through 6th Grade

We desire to come alongside the family in their attempt to build a spiritual foundation, that in God’s timing, will lead a child to be a faithful follower of Jesus Christ.

The purpose of Grace Kids is to help children and their families grow in their relationship with the Lord Jesus. Each child from the nursery through 6th grade needs a safe, caring and loving environment so that they can begin to learn and understand spiritual truths. In Psalm 127:3 God reminds us that our children are a gift from him. We as a church take this God-given trust seriously. Grace Kids provides a comprehensive ministry to our children and their families. Our prayer and desire is that each child who attends Grace Baptist will come to a place in their life where they will accept Christ as Savior and Lord and continue to grow in their walk with God.

Summer Adventure

June 24-28, 2024

Sunday Morning

8:45 Service - Ministry for infants through 6th grade

10:45 Service - Ministry for infants through 4th grade along with Special Needs

  • All children, infants - 4th gr. must be checked in and out by a parent or guardian.

  • Parents of 5th & 6th grade kids must complete our release statement in order for their children to be dismissed at the end of class, on their own, to meet them at a predetermined location at Grace Baptist Church.

  • If you are new, someone from our Welcome Team will be available to walk you through the process and take you to your child’s age appropriate room.


The Grace Kids Nursery desires to become an extension of your home, providing both quality care and a secure environment for your children as they learn about Jesus and see him modeled by our loving staff.

The nursery is available to families with infants through three years of age (and not potty-trained) during both worship services on Sunday morning. During the week, the nursery provides care by registration for infants - PreK (and home schooled kids) for the ministries listed below:

  • Fantastic Fours

  • Precept

  • Grace Women: Main Bible Study

  • Grace Women: Moms Group

  • Special Events including GraceU, Choir and Care Groups

This is a co-op style preschool program specifically designed for moms and their 4-year old children who will be entering Kindergarten the following year. To be eligible, your child needs to turn 4 by September 1, 2024.

The primary missional focus is to provide each mom discipleship opportunities that include one-on-one time with their child, shepherding them as they learn not only traditional pre-K academics, but spiritual lessons that point their little hearts to Christ.

In addition, moms will have the opportunity to build community among women who are seeking to raise their children in a God-honoring way through uplifting fellowship, speakers and shared testimonies throughout the year.

Fantastic Fours meets on Tuesday mornings during the school year from 9:00am to 12:15pm. The program consists of approx. 25 moms and their 4 year old child/children. Tuition is $300, plus a $120 registration fee and covers the cost for both mom and child.

Childcare will be available at an additional cost for younger and homeschooled siblings, if needed by enough families. The cost is determined by the number of workers needed and the number families needing childcare.

Fantastic Fours

Tuesdays at 9:00am - 4-year-olds and moms


AWANA (3 yr. old - 6th grade)

Wednesdays at 6:30pm

AWANA Jr. High and High School

Mondays at 6:30pm

Child registration for the 24/25 ministry year is now closed for Cubbies through T&T. Click below if you would like to place your child on our wait list.

- Help disciple the next generation to know, love and serve Jesus.

Nursery (For children of volunteers only)

Puggles (For children of volunteers who are age 2 by 9/1)

Cubbies (Must be fully potty-trained and age 3 by 9/1 for Cubbies 3 and age 4 by 9/1 for Cubbies 4)

Sparks (K-2nd grade, must be age 5 by 9/1 for Kindergarten Sparks; not in TK)

Truth & Training (3rd - 6th grade boys and girls)

Trek (7th-8th grade)

Journey (9th-12th grade)

The Awana curriculum helps kids grow with God from small to tall. We use it as a tool to disciple children to belong to, believe in and become lifelong followers of Jesus.


Midweek Ministries

Kids Choirs

Kids choir at Grace Baptist Church exists to encourage children to worship the Lord through God’s gift of music and to give them a choir experience by teaching them how to sing. If you have any questions about our kids’ choir program, please email the music office below. Wednesdays at 4:30 - K-2nd Grade Choir, 3rd-6th Grade Choir, and 7th-12th Grade Choir

Trail Life

Thursdays at 6:30pm

Special Needs

The Special Needs Room is designed to provide a place for children with special needs who may have difficulty in an inclusive ministry room. Led by loving volunteers, the Special Needs Room is appropriate for a variety of special needs. Each week the children receive a Bible lesson, play games, have a snack, and a lot of care and individual attention. The Special Needs Room is available each Sunday at the 10:45am Main Service in Room B104.

Family Dedication

Family Dedication is a time when parents publicly express their commitment to raising their child in a home that honors Christ. Dedications are done in a public setting to acknowledge the importance of being accountable to other Christians. Parents can publicly thank the Lord for the privilege of helping their child learn to respect and love God. It is, of course, the hope of the parents, as well as their church family, that by providing this home environment the child will someday come to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Dedication focuses on the parents’ commitment to raising the child in a home that honors Christ. By living out your faith in Christ, the likelihood of your child making their own personal commitment to Christ is greatly increased.

Dedication does not ensure salvation, nor is it the same as baptism. It is a time for parents to publicly demonstrate their faith and intention to raise their child in a home that loves God. Salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. As the Apostle Paul says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9 (NASB)

Our Staff Team

Event Calendar

Reach out if you have questions!